Graphic Design Tutorial

Music Videos

Outer Banks Of My Mind music by Invisible ASPS

Produced by Lucinda Cobalt

September 15th 2020

As a music enthusiast, one of my greatest passions is attending concerts. There is something truly magical about the energy of a live performance, the sound of the music reverberating through the air and the way it brings people together in a shared experience. However, as we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our lives and on the way we interact with one another. The sense of community that we once took for granted has been lost, and some of the most cherished activities, such as socializing, dancing, and attending concerts, have become a thing of the past.

Despite these challenges, I am still hopeful that we will be able to return to our favorite activities soon, and that the world will be a better place for it. This is what inspired me to produce a video that would convey the sense of loss that we have all experienced, but also the hope that we will once again be able to come together and enjoy the things that we love.

In creating this video, I used my cell phone and limited resources to show that you don't need a lot of fancy equipment to create something meaningful. All you need is heart and dedication. Through this project, I was able to channel my passion for music and my desire to connect with others in a positive way. Although the pandemic has been difficult for all of us, it has also given us a unique opportunity to reflect on what is truly important and to find new ways to express ourselves creatively.

So, while the pandemic may have taken away some of our most cherished activities, it has also given us the chance to explore new avenues of creativity and to find new ways to connect with one another. As we look forward to a brighter future, I am excited to see what new opportunities will arise, and how we will continue to use our creativity and our passion for music to bring joy and hope to others.